Since 2009, OSI started organizing biennial conferences viz. OSICON-09; OSICON-11, OSICON-13, OSICON-15, OSICON-17, OSICON-19, OSICON-21. These conferences hosted by leading academic/research institutes viz. Andhra University, Visakhapatnam; NIOT, Chennai; IITM, Pune; NIO, Goa; NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram; CMLRE, Kochi and NCPOR, Goa, were very successful in bringing together students and professionals working in the area of ocean sciences, technology and allied fields to share their knowledge.
OSICON-23 is hosted by the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad, an autonomous institute under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India. OSI is pleased to invite the community to the next biennial conference, OSICON-23, the Eighth National Conference scheduled to be held during 23-25 August 2023.
INCOIS has been providing ocean information, warnings, advisories and ocean state forecasts to various stake holders through sustained ocean observations, oceanographic and marine meteorological data management, ocean modeling and cutting-edge oceanographic research.
In the last two decades, INCOIS played a pivotal role in translating the scientific knowledge into ocean information and services and emerged as an operational oceanography institute in the Indian Ocean region carrying out ocean observations, ocean modelling, data management, research and providing services to wide spectrum of stakeholders namely, fisher folk, the coastal population, government agencies involved in coastal zone management and disaster management, the shipping industry, the oil and natural gas industry, the Indian Navy, the Coast Guard, researchers, academia and students. The services provided by INCOIS play a critical role in securing the safety of lives and livelihoods of coastal and maritime communities and in achieving the goals envisaged in SDG 14 and UN Ocean Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
Operational oceanography encompasses a wide variety of activities providing estimates of physical and biogeochemical variables and properties for the past, present and future of the ocean using oceanographic and marine meteorological observations, ocean modelling and data assimilation.
Considering the recent developments in the field of Operational Oceanography, it is decided to organize the OSICON-23 with the focal theme on 'Operational Oceanography - Science to Services'.
The conference will review and discuss the recent advances in Operational Oceanography and will help scientists and students involved in ocean-atmosphere studies to benefit from interactions with the experts.